DCP Home 2022-23     Division F Goals     Clubs by Areas (Div F)     Area 62

Area 62: District Support
Distinguished Area Program: 07/21/2022

Distinguished Area
Area Report
for 2021-22
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
New Area 42
for 2023-24

DAP #1
DAP #2
DAP #3
DAP #4
DAP #5
DAP #6
Achieve all DAP goals 1–4 for “Distinguished Area”
1–5 for “Select”
1–6 for “Pres”
Goals for this Area were calculated on a base of 4 Clubs as of July 1, 2022.

DAP #1: Fall Area Visits (3)           VIEW

1. Annandale

2. Burgay

3. CI Speaks

*4. GUTS

DAP #3: Distinguished Clubs (2)

1. Burgay



DAP #5: Add Dist’d Clubs (2 + 1 = 3 total)



DAP #2: Spring Area Visits (3)     VIEW

1. Annandale

2. Burgay


DAP #4: Paid Area Clubs (4)

1. Annandale

2. Burgay

0.    CI Speaks suspended




DAP #6: Net Club Growth (4 + 1 = 5 total)




Asterisks ( * or * ) show that goals have been exceeded.
 = Distinguished Club  ||    = Select  ||    = President’s  ||    = “Perfect Ten”
 = Clubs have submitted their new 2023-24 Officer Lists (due by June 30, 2023)

Area 62 “Hall of Fame”

Pathways Awards (Level 1)

07/05 – Angela Davis, DL1 (BUR)

04/16 – James Scarborough, TC1 (BUR)

05/17 – Michael Shulman, LD1 (GUTS)

06/10 – Jessica Brown, TC1 (GUTS)

06/15 – Christopher Harrop, PI1 (GUTS)

06/17 – Jim Dooley, TC1 (GUTS)

06/18 – Bernie Cohen, EH1 (GUTS)

06/23 – Nathan Carrier, PM1 (GUTS)

Pathways Awards (Level 2)

08/04 – Angela Davis, IP2 (BUR)

06/12 – Michael Shulman, LD2 (GUTS)

06/17 – Jim Dooley, EH2 (GUTS)

06/22 – Christopher Harrop, PI2 (GUTS)

06/25 – Bernie Cohen, EH2 (GUTS)

06/29 – Xavier Wong, DL2 (BUR)

Pathways Awards (Level 3, 4, and 5)

09/15 – James Scarborough, MS4 (BUR)

11/09 – Helena Byun, IP3 (GUTS)

01/20 – Jay Mehta, DL3 (GUTS)

03/05 – Jay Mehta, DL4 (GUTS)

03/15 – Lillian Cooke, VC3 (BUR)

03/19 – Lillian Cooke, VC4 (BUR)

03/26 – Dutch Martin, EC3 (GUTS)

04/16 – Angela Davis, IP3 (BUR)

05/10 – Christopher Harrop, IP5 (BUR)

06/23 – Jim Dooley, EH4 (GUTS)

DTM Awards (Pathways)

No one yet