Division A: Hasani Jaali, Division Director
Distinguished Division Program: 07/26/2024

President’s Distinguished Division
Div Report
for 2022-23
July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
for 2024-25

DDP #1
DDP #2
DDP #3
DDP #4
DDP #5

Goals 1 & 2 for “Distinguished”

1–3 for “Select”

All goals (1–5) for “President’s”

Goals for this Division were calculated on a base of 16 Clubs as of July 1, 2023.

DDP #1:
No Net Loss of Clubs

Goal = 16
Current = 17 Clubs

*17. CTA Communicators

DDP #2:
40% of Clubs are Dist’d

Goal = 7
Current = 9 Dist’d Clubs

1.  Amazon HQ2

2.  Booz Allen Hamilton

3.  Five-Star

4.  Great Communicators

5.  Helmsmen

6.  National Landing

7.  Pentagon Legacy

*8.  Que Pasa

*9.  Tongue-Tied Trainers

DDP #3:
45% of Clubs are Dist’d

Goal = 8
Current = 9 Dist’d Clubs

8.  Que Pasa

*9.  Tongue-Tied Trainers

DDP #4:
50% of Clubs are Dist’d

Goal = 8
Current = 9 Dist’d Clubs

*9.  Tongue-Tied Trainers

DDP #5:
Net Increase in Paid Clubs

Goal = 17
Current = 17 Clubs

17. CTA Communicators